Getting enough sleep is so essential for our mental and physical health as well as our emotional wellbeing. It’s recommended for the average adult to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night. However, less than two-thirds of women are actually achieving those numbers. That’s why many women today are turning to CBD for sleep in order to achieve a better night’s rest.

Even one night of poor sleep can reap the consequences of trouble concentrating, memory issues, fatigue, and impacted performance during our hectic lives. Even worse, chronic sleep deprivation significantly increases your risk for accidents, injury, and serious illness. 

Emerging research is showing that taking premium organic CBD oil for sleep may help support women who suffer from sleep-related issues. Among others, this includes insomnia, grogginess and fatigue, hypersomnia, sleep-wake disorders, parasomnia, and symptoms related to sleep cycle disruption. 

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cbd cbn sleep tincture women

Why Is Sleep Important for Women?

Restful, deep sleep is so vital especially for women. Biological conditions unique to us, like pregnancy, menstrual cycles, and menopause, all impact how well we sleep. The relationship between our constantly-changing hormone levels, including estrogen and progesterone, lifestyle habits, and environmental factors is important for us to understand in order to support healthy sleep.

Researchers have found that despite getting more sleep overall when compared to men, women actually experience lower-quality sleep. With differences in family and social roles, work responsibilities, and caregiving responsibilities, women face a completely different set of obstacles that can further disrupt our quality of sleep at night.

Common Sleep Disorders Among Women

About 70 million Americans alone suffer from sleep conditions. Unfortunately, women are more likely to experience sleep problems when compared to men. Women experience higher rates of sleep disorders including insomnia, pain-related sleep disruptions, restless leg syndrome, and more. Here are the most common sleep conditions that women encounter:


People suffering from insomnia often experience regular difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. Women are 40% more inclined to develop insomnia due to hormonal changes that occur with menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy. As we get older, our risk of developing this condition also increases as we transition through menopause. Night sweats and hot flashes are impactful sleep disruptions that 75% to 85% of menopausal women experience. Women are also almost twice as likely than men to have depression or anxiety, which are both closely tied to insomnia.    

Pain and Sleep 

Pain is one of the more common causes of insomnia. Many painful conditions make it incredibly difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Unfortunately, some of the conditions associated with chronic pain are also more prevalent among women. These include arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, tension headaches, heartburn, and more. 

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome, RLS, creates unpleasant tingling and crawling sensations in the legs while laying down and are accompanied by the uncontrollable urge to move the legs. Symptoms are often only resolved through movement or when not lying down, making it really difficult for women to sleep well throughout the night. Women are twice as likely to have RLS, with the risk increasing among those that have multiple children as well as those that experience pregnancy and menopause. One of the risk factors associated with RLS is iron deficiency, which is also more common among women. 

Sleep Apnea 

Sleep apnea is a disorder where temporary pauses in breathing occur during sleep. These pauses lead to loud snoring, gasping, and choking sounds that can be very disruptive. While sleep apnea is twice as common in men, it increases in women over the age of 50. Older age and obesity are the two most significant risk factors for sleep apnea. During menopause, the hormonal changes that trigger lower progesterone levels and increase in abdominal fat may explain the heightened risk factor for older women. 

Work Circumstances and Sleep

About 15 million Americans work outside of the traditional hours of 9:00 to 5:00. Shift workers, especially individuals that work during the night, often have to accommodate non-traditional sleep hours which creates disruptions to the natural sleep-wake cycle. Long-term disruptions to the natural sleep-wake cycle can cause less sleep, less quality sleep, as well as increasing the risk of accidents and illnesses. One study found that female night shift workers experienced a considerably larger risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, and irregular menstrual cycles. More research is needed but scientists also believe that these disruptions may have additional hormonal or biological effects.

Traditional Pharmaceutical Option Risks for Sleep

While taking pharmaceutical and over-the-counter sleep aids can play a powerful therapeutic role in short-term use, the risks and consequences begin to multiply when used long-term. Here are the common side effects of prescription sleep pills when used short-term:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Burning or tingling sensation
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Vertigo
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Headaches
  • Weakness
  • Impairment
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Stomach pain or tenderness
  • Mental issues with memory or attention

The long-term use of sleeping pills pose the risk of both physical and mental dependence, tolerance that makes the medication ineffective, withdrawal, depression, hallucinations, impaired motor skills, sleep walking, nausea and vomiting, and much more. Prescription sleep drugs have also been connected to an increased risk of injuries and car accidents, along with one study showing a higher diagnosis of cancer in patients that take sleeping pills regularly. 

Sleep medication is also quite dangerous when taken with other prescription medications, often decreasing blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate. When used with pain medication, the two can be a fatal combination, especially when mixed with alcohol, due to both being dose-dependent respiratory suppressants.      

The Endocannabinoid System and Sleep

The endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating everyday physiological functions including sleep. As the primary homeostatic regulator of our biology, it plays a critical role in the sleep-wake cycle as well as other circadian processes. In short, the way we fall asleep, stay asleep, wake up, and remain awake are all regulated by our endocannabinoid system and circadian rhythms.  

How Can CBD Help Women With Sleep?

There is actually very limited data available when it comes to the effects of CBD and sleep. This is due to both cannabis prohibition and the challenge of studying and treating sleep disturbances often complicated by the fact that sleep disorders are typically a symptom of many chronic conditions. However, the existing preclinical and anecdotal data has been increasingly positive, showcasing CBD’s powerful potential as a natural sleep aid.

Cannabis has been celebrated for centuries for helping those fall asleep and stay asleep. But, what about specific cannabinoids like CBD?

Interestingly enough, studies have found that CBD is actually mildly alerting or stimulating in moderate doses. However, research data and many anecdotal reports indicate that CBD has differential effects on sleep and can be both alerting or sedating based on the dose. One study found that 160mg of CBD decreased nighttime sleep disturbances and increased the total sleep time, suggesting that high doses may improve the duration and quality.

Other studies have shown promising results with our premium organic CBD for women being a safe and effective alternative to mainstream pharmaceutical sleep relief medication. These studies also showed that CBD may reduce the symptoms of REM behavior disorder and reduce sleep apnea events.

Addressing the Root Cause of Sleep Disruptions With CBD

Menopause, painful chronic conditions, and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression are often an underlying cause of sleep disruptions for women. Let’s take a closer look at how CBD may prove beneficial:

  • Menopause symptoms: CBD has therapeutic promise for balancing mood chemical messengers and serotonin. While there are no direct studies available on CBD and hot flashes, this could account for the testimonials of menopausal women that swear by CBD for symptom relief. Learn more about the benefits of CBD for menopause symptoms here.
  • Painful chronic conditions: There are many studies that promote CBD’s encouraging therapeutic properties for relieving pain and inflammation. By offering pain relief potential, CBD may help those suffering from chronic conditions as well as injury with better comfort at night.     
  • Mental health conditions: Conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD can have a profound impact on sleep. Preclinical studies, like this one, display CBD’s potential anti-anxiolytic and calming effects. Other studies have displayed therapeutic promise when using cannabinoid therapy for improving sleep and reducing the frequency of nightmares in patients with PTSD.

How to Use CBD for Sleep

While all cannabinoid therapy varies from person to person, this is especially true when it comes to using CBD as a sleep aid. The results and effectiveness highly vary on the person, the administration method, product cannabinoid profile, timing, and dosage. 

CBD Dosage for Sleep

Women who are new to taking CBD for sleep often have questions about dosage. They want to know, When should I take CBD oil for sleep? and How much CBD is needed for sleep? The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. CBD dosage for sleep varies from one person to the next. 

We recommend self-experimenting with dosage and timing to find what works best for you. When it comes to understanding the effects of any new supplementation, it’s also wise to keep a journal where you track your dosage, timing, and sleep. This can give you a clear set of data points for creating the proper CBD regimen for sleep and allowing you to better understand how it affects you. 

Tip: Having an especially difficult time falling asleep? Try taking a warm bath before bed with our Pause Bath Bomb. Enjoy a cup of our caffeine-free Bloom Tea herbal blend with your nightly dose of our powerful Sleep Tincture.

CBD for Sleep – FAQ

Learn more about the potential benefits of CBD for sleep. Check out this list of frequently asked questions.

Q: When should I take CBD oil for sleep?

A: CBD affects everyone differently. This means that some women may experience results faster than others. When taking a CBD tincture for sleep, we recommend taking it one hour before bed to start with. Then, once you get a better idea of how it makes you feel and how long it takes you to fall asleep, you can adjust your timing.

Q: How much CBD should I take for sleep?

A: Again, everyone’s situation is different. We recommend starting with a small dosage, then increasing as needed to reach the desired results. During clinical trials, scientists usually start with a dosage of 25 mg. This is not to say that 25 mg is the perfect dosage for everyone, but it is usually a good starting point. Results may also vary depending on the product and type of CBD being used.

Q: Is it okay to take CBD oil every night?

A: Yes. In fact, studies suggest that taking CBD on a regular basis, such as every night before bed, may actually improve results. Consistent use allows the body to maintain a more stable level of CBD in its system. Of course, this is all contingent on the fact that you are a good candidate for cannabinoid therapy in the first place.

Q: CBD vs THC for sleep – which is better?

A: Both CBD and THC have the potential to affect sleep cycles. Studies suggest that THC may alter the time spent in different stages of sleep. It reduces the time spent in REM sleep and increases the time spent in slow-wave sleep. CBD, on the other hand, may help promote better sleep by inducing feelings of relaxation. CBD reduces cortisol levels which cause feelings of stress and anxiety.

Q: Does CBD work for sleep apnea?

A: Studies on CBD and sleep apnea are limited at this point in time. However, it’s possible that CBD may help with symptoms related to sleep apnea such as stress and anxiety.

Press Pause CBD for Sleep

As women, we understand the complicated nuances of our body chemistry and how it impacts our search for quality sleep. That’s why we’ve handcrafted our premium organic CBD products just for you, and women like you. We’re always happy to help you find the right products for improving sleep quality and addressing the underlying causes. Please contact us for more information!

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